Heavy Duty All Geared Lathe

High-Precision Heavy Duty All Geared Lathe – Superior Performance & Durability

Heavy Duty Lathe Machines are one of the most extensively utilized lathe machines because of its high quality and rapid rate of output.

These are made of high-quality iron and steel and are built to withstand the most difficult shaping chores. 

It is used in a variety of industries, including power plants, steel plants, oil and mining industries, shipbuilding factories, repair shops, and paper textiles, for metal spinning, metal working, wood turning, and metal fabricating.

They are particularly well suited to high-volume production because to their high-performance capacity to work at fast speed.

Our range of All geared Heavy Duty Lathe Machine is manufactured from quality-tested raw material. These Lathe Machine finds applications in various automobile, electronic, electrical industries to name a few.

We also meet customized requirement for our clients benefit. Its robust all-geared headstock ensures smooth power transmission, minimal vibrations, and consistent torque for heavy-duty operation.

Product Specification

Height of Centers: 254 mm

Swing Over Bed: 500 mm

Swing Over Slide: 280 mm

Swing in Gap: 760 mm

Width of Bed: 315 mm

Hole Through Spindle: 50 mm

Spindle Morse Taper: MT-6

Type of Spindle Nose: A2-6

No. of Spindle Speeds: 12

Range of Spindle Speed: 35 - 1100 RPM

Drive & Electricals: 8 H.P. / 1440 RPM

Tail Stock Spindle Diameter: 60 mm

Tail Stock Spindle Travel: 200 mm

Lead Screw Diameter: 38 mm

Lead Screw Thread: 4 T.P.I.

Admit Between Centers: 1000 mm / 1500 mm

Length of Bed: 2100 mm / 2700 mm

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